Oh give thanks unto the Lord. Pastor Dr Joan Miller teaches us to walk with the spirit of gratitude on our lips and in our heart.
Sermon Category: God
A Message to the Young Men
Min Dameian Sharpe giving an inspirational message to the young men of the community. Encouraging them to have faith and to trust in God.
How to Get the Right Direction | Bishop Alphanso Miller
Word of Life Ministries PCG
Bishop Alphanso Miller
Bishop Alphanso Miller shares a word on the power of God that surpasses our human limitations. How do we get direction on where to go and what to do?
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Here is My Worship Pastor Natalie Sharpe | BREAK OUT
A powerful time of praise and worship with Dr Natalie E Sharpe
Worship the Lord with us and receive your deliverance. Lift up the name of the Lord in the beauty of His holiness.
Leave the Baggage | Bishop Alphanso Miller Break OUT
There is so much baggage that many of us are carrying around which are preventing us from reaching our greatest potential in God. Leave the Baggage Behind. Listen to this powerful sermon by our dear Bishop Alphanso Miller Word of Life Ministries PCG
Jesus is Coming Back Dr Joan Miller |BREAK OUT
JESUS IS COMING BACK! Bishop Dr Joan Miller reminds of the the biblical prophetic word of the second coming of our Saviour Jesus Christ. We don't often hear these messages anymore but they are so imperative for the world to hear. Let us listen to this powerful sermon by our dear Pastor Dr Joan Miller Word of Life Ministries PCG
The Sweet Aroma of Praise
Bishop Alphanso Miller preaches about the sweet aroma of the praises of our Lord. There is a smell that pleases the Lord. Live Sunday Service
Pastor Natalie Sharpe Prophetic Encounter
Tap into the unadulterated power of God as He uses His servant Dr Natalie E Sharpe to bring forth a powerful prophetic word that will change your life.
Break Out Bishop Miller Declaration Prayer
Believe in the word of God and pray along with Bishop Alphanso Miller.
Break Out Word | Speak the word of life
The spoken word of God makes the difference. It will transform your life and bring you healing in places that seemed hopeless. Trust God.